December 2008. Getting ready to leave for the hospital. Got my bear from my daycare workers. They made it especially for me.
So tired...just want to get this over with.
Waking up and getting ready to go home. We are so blessed to have such wonderful surgeons caring for Brandon. The entire surgery took a total of 5-6 hours. Waiting is the hardest; and everytime they call you to the nurse's station to give you an update your heart jumps up in your throat because you never know if there is a problem. Luckily, that was not the case. This surgery was much easier than the lip repair. Brandon was discharged with a cathether which had to stay in for about one week. Diaper changing was the most difficult part, but here are some tricks of the trade - Double diaper. Keep one diaper on with a slit cut in the middle to feed the catheter through, then put a larger diaper over that to contain the urine. Some bladder spasms are common post surgery, but they give medication to help reduce those symptoms.