So...Brandon spiked a fever on a Thursday night a little over a week ago. By Saturday he was at the doctor's office with what looked liked the beginning stages of an ear infection. Antibiotics were started, but by his third dose of the antibiotic, along with alternating Motrin and Tylenol, the following day his fever would not let up and he was refusing to eat all day. We ended up taking him to the ER on Sunday afternoon. All the tests came back normal so the ER doctor sent us home after Brandon had received some IV fluids. His fever continued for a few more days. Extremely worried at this point, I called his primary pediatrician who wanted to see him. Brandon had lost two pounds in two weeks and was still not eating well. He did nothing but moan in my arms the whole time we were at the doctor's office, for those who don't know Brandon well...this is very unusual for him. After his doctor took a look at him it was recommended Brandon be admitted to the hospital. We spent nearly 24 hours at St. V's where he received IV fluids to help his little body fight off this nasty virus. Luckily, no spinal tap was needed this time. Turns out Brandon had enterovirus, which is a common summer virus. The physician said without the help of the IV fluids, Brandon could have endured another 3-4 days in his uncomfortable state.

ER visit
Resting after being admitted to the hospital.

Visiting the aquarium as we pass the time in the hospital.

Thumbs up by Brandon...he is finally starting to feel better.

On our way home to rest...

A little over a week later and he is back to normal...Enjoying the day watching the parade on Father's Day.

Parade Day!

First of ten suckers throughout the parade...each had a few licks only because every time he was thrown a new sucker he wanted to trade his in :)

Such a big boy. So happy he is back to himself!
I'm so glad to hear Brandon is okay now! And I have to say, he's a smart kid...I'd trade in my sucker for a new one too! That's hilarious!